Don The Armour

September 2, 2023

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15-16 (ESV)


The modern world makes it extremely difficult to use our time wisely. There’s never been more distractions readily available at our fingertips than right now. Massive industries are devoted to manipulating our psychology to grab our attention and keep us stuck in endless time wastes. Not all technology is bad, as we are using it right now to share things of the Lord, but as the verse says, we must have wisdom when we’re using these things “because the days are evil.”

The best weapon I’ve found against these technological timeholes is intentionality. We should pick up our phones with a purpose and put them down once that purpose is achieved. It’s okay to check social media or watch YouTube occasionally but try to set a time limit or a goal so that you don’t get sucked into their algorithms indefinitely. If we use our phones without intention and simply wander the internet, we will not likely use the time wisely. The enemy loves every minute he can steal in this way because it’s a minute our mind isn’t on Christ.