Don The Armour

October 2, 2023

Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings,
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.

The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders,
the Lord, over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

Psalm 29:1-4 (ESV)


This Psalm exalts God’s power and might as it is revealed in a storm. Later in the Psalm, it says that his voice breaks the cedars and flashes fire across the sky. Anyone who has been in a violent tempest can attest that few experiences are more humbling than being powerless to God in a storm.

The artwork above is a piece I commissioned from a friend. An armoured gauntlet is often shown as a clenched fist, a proud symbol of human strength and force. But as the power displayed in the storm shows, human strength is nothing compared to God’s strength.

As Christians, we are furnished with armour, but our armour is Christ, and whatever strength we have comes from him and is for his glory. We ascribe it all to him. Strength in Christ is humility.

As you go out into the world this week, armour-clad, make sure your actions and words point to the source of all your blessings, hope, and strength: God almighty above, through his Son Jesus Christ.

Soli Deo Gloria!

I thought it would be fun to share this artwork, so I designed some t-shirts incorporating the image. There are two designs: one with the DTA logo on the front and the gauntlet on the back, and one with just the gauntlet on the front. Both designs come in several different types of shirts (including tank tops for holy powerlifting sessions!) and in a bunch of different colors. Here is the link if you’re interested in purchasing one:

All proceeds will go to Heritage Baptist Church for their 2024 mission trip to Uganda!

Gauntlet artwork by Jangoria