Don The Armour

May 11, 2023

Self-consciousness is the first thing that will upset the completeness of the life in God, and self-consciousness continually produces wrestling. Self-consciousness is not sin; it may be produced by a nervous temperament or by a sudden dumping down into new circumstances. It is never God’s will that we should be anything less than absolutely complete in Him. Anything that disturbs rest in Him must be cured at once, and it is not cured by being ignored, but by coming to Jesus Christ. If we come to Him and ask him to produce Christ-consciousness, He will always do it until we learn to abide in Him.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest


Introspection is one of the foes that I constantly battle. My mind churns through hypothetical scenarios, mock conversations, and regrets for things I would have said or done differently in past situations. Sometimes I will go for a walk and afterward realize that I didn’t think of anything but myself the entire time. The only way to defeat this beast is to bring it before Jesus and ask him to replace your self-consciousness with Christ-consciousness. Only then will you have peace and rest in Him.