July 10, 2023
What saith the world? The Christian’s life is but a melancholy walk. Sure, thinks the carnal wretch, it is a dry feast they sit at, where so little wine of joy is drunk. And wilt thou confirm them in this their opinion, Christian? Shall they have thy example to produce against Christ and his word, which promise peace and joy to all that will come to this feast? … Give not them cause to think by your uncomfortable walking, that when they turn Christians, they must bid all joy farewell and resolve to spend their days in a house of mourning.
William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour
Do you exude the peace and joy of the gospel in your everyday living? Or does your life make the Christian walk look like dismal drudgery? Rejoice at the glorious liberty of the gospel and let it sink into your heart; no better news could ever be received. Let the truth of your eternal salvation shine from you like a beacon so that the world can see the joy that the gospel produces.